Monday, 7 January 2013

How to Choose a Reputable Lasik Surgery Clinic and Surgeon


With the recent surge in the popularity of Lasik and Epilasik eye surgeries, clinics offering the treatment are appearing all over the world, all offering apparently miraculous treatments for persistent and chronic eye conditions. Lasik is now used for correcting a wide range of eye conditions and has become one of the most common forms of laser surgery performed on the eyes throughout the world. As the years have passed, the treatment has continued to improve its efficacy as well as success rate, and today most patients can benefit from this treatment. Epilasik surgery is not suitable for all people, but offers similar rates of effectiveness to Lasik.

For patients considering Lasik or Epilasik eye surgery, cost is of course an important consideration. Laser eye surgery remains expensive to perform because of the sophisticated machinery and the medical expertise required to perform it, and when looking for a Lasik eye surgery, cost cutting can seem like the right way to go - but you should look hard at any deal that seems too good to be true.
A reputable Lasik surgery clinic is one that uses the most up-to-date and sophisticated technology to perform procedures. If a clinic makes any scientific claims that sound unfeasible, you can check them in relevant literature or use independent websites such as the USA FDA to obtain sensible guidelines about what eye surgery can and cannot achieve.

The most important factor in Lasik surgery is the doctor who will be performing the procedure. A good Lasik surgery clinic will be staffed with fully certified and highly experienced medical personnel who will be able to fully explain the Lasik side effects which may occur as a result of the treatment. The surgeon performing the treatment should be competent, well-versed in the equipment used for Lasik procedures, experienced in carrying out the treatment, and able to fully explain the procedure to you in a way that you can understand. Ask whether the surgeon is truly a 'consultant' in this field, find out where he or she trained and which ophthalmic board has awarded his or her certification. You should also ask about the experience that they have with corneal surgery. If you are undergoing Epilasik surgery, the surgeon should be able to explain why this treatment, which is generally used on those with thinner corneas, is most appropriate for you. It is true that Epilasik surgery also has a slightly higher risk of post-surgery discomfort, and the surgeon should be able to explain this to you.

For most people, Lasik surgery presents minimal risks and is very safe. However, as with all medical procedures - and particularly invasive ones such as surgery - there is always the risk of complications or particular side effects following the procedure. After undergoing Lasik, some side effects include sensitivity to light - patients are encouraged to bring along a pair of dark glasses to wear during the journey home from the clinic. A reputable Lasik clinic will be able to advise on the aftercare for your eyes, and provide you with eye drops to use for the first few days after the procedure to speed the healing process. You may experience mild discomfort (or more for Epilasik surgery), but if you start to feel something more severe, you should immediately consult with your eye clinic, who will be able to advise on a course of action.

Thomas Lee advises on the subject of eye health, particularly Lasik side effects and new vision correction treatments such as the Epilasik.

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