Monday, 27 January 2014

How to Know If You Qualify for Lasik Surgery

Lasik (laser assisted in situ keratomileusis) surgery is a procedure that can help many individuals who have nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism regain back their lost vision. Before the surgery can take place, potential candidates need to undergo various tests to determine lasik surgery compatibility. These tests are not only painless but necessary as approximately 30% of people are not good candidates for lasik surgery.

Individuals who are scheduled for lasik surgery compatibility tests are asked to refrain from wearing their soft contacts for 48 hours or their hard contacts for one week before testing as contacts can alter the shape of the cornea, possibly affecting test results. The testing also involves dilating the pupils, so patients should arrange for transportation following the examination.

Tomography of the cornea
Tomography of the cornea, also known as optical coherence tomography (OCT), allows the ophthalmologist to thoroughly evaluate the anatomy of the cornea. The term "tomography" refers to the ability of the test to provide the clinician with sectional images of the cornea. This test is completely noninvasive, which means no contact is made with the eye. Instead, images of the cornea are produced using reflected light (near infrared light) from the eye's tissues.

Within just a few seconds, the ophthalmologist can get accurate three-dimensional images of the cornea that help determine whether the patient is a candidate for lasik surgery. Among the measurements taken is the coefficient of variation, which can reveal how much cell loss has occurred in the cornea. This information is critical for surgeons from which to base their decision.

Visual acuity and refraction examination
These quick tests are common during an optometry examination. A visual acuity test involves reading letters on a chart (Snellen chart) that is 20 feet away while covering one eye first before the other.
The refraction examination goes hand in hand with the visual acuity test. Also known as a vision test, the refraction test tells the doctor what prescription individuals need to achieve 20/20 vision. To conduct the test, individuals sit in a chair 20 feet away from the Snellen chart and look through a device that contains various lenses. The doctor changes the lenses and asks patients which ones allow them to see the letters most clearly.

Ophthalmology examination
The ophthalmology exam involves several quick tests. One is dilation of the pupils, which allows the ophthalmologist to evaluate the health of the retina and the optic nerve. Another is a measure of the intraocular pressure of the eyes. This test, known as tonometry, can be done in several different ways. The most common way is for patients to stare through an examination device while the doctor applies a rapid puff of air to the eye. The machine can determine eye pressure by measuring the light reflections off the eye.

Some doctors use a slit lamp. In this test, eye drops are administered to numb the eyes and a strip of paper containing dye is gently tapped on the cornea. Patients are then told to look through a device called a slit lamp. The doctor adjusts the tip of the tonometer until it barely touches the cornea to get a reading. Another test is done to check whether patients have an adequate amount of tears. After numbing the eyes, a tiny strip of paper is placed inside the lower eyelids.

After several minutes, the doctor removes the paper to determine how much moisture the eyes can produce. The results of these tests, plus additional information about a patient's overall health, are all taken into consideration when determining whether an individual is a candidate for lasik surgery.

Chris Tan is an expert on the latest advancements in eye surgeries such as Lasik Eye Surgery and the procedures that go hand in hand with them. He has also written many insightful articles about eye care, lasik side effects, its cost, and shared helpful tips pertaining to eye care. He recommends ClearVision Eye Clinic and LASIK Center, if you are ever in need of such services as they practice the utmost care in safety procedures during operations.

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Sunday, 12 January 2014

Advice of Eye Doctors for Consumers Buying Contact Lenses

Ask for professional guidance from accredited Eye Care Professionals before looking around for contacts. Get a check up and valid prescription in the process. You can refer to your insurance agent for a vision rider on your policy to find out if contact lenses are part of your benefit. This will ensure that you get the full benefit. Even if your insurance plan says you can receive price cuts from some retailers, it is possible to obtain discounts from those not included in the list. See to it that you inquire from the eye doctor if you have no vision insurance for a payment plan. Plenty of optometrists are willing to help patients, who are not covered by insurance, to get contact lenses.

Compare all the quotes and proposals from your eye doctor with offers from highly regarded contact lens sellers. You have to compare prices carefully before making a decision in purchasing contacts. Keep in mind that it is not also correct to presume that medical eye devices from an ECP will be more expensive. In fact, a number of eye care doctors offer bundled packages of products and services such as eye examinations.

You get additional service when you buy contact lenses from the optometrist since you are guaranteed that a professional will look into any problems with the lenses. Eye experts can give you premium value on any brand of contacts. Look at the following pointers if you want to purchase these lenses online:
  • Place importance on the value, cost and customer service. The eye doctor should be your first option.
  • Check all offers available and compare prices carefully. Buying from the eye doctor is not always expensive.
  • Inquire about refunds and other possible discounts for lens supplies.
  • Keep a copy of your contact lens prescription at all times. These are valid for one year.
  • You can avoid shipping costs if you order supplies every year in volume.
  • It is more practical to buy from online suppliers so you save on fuel expenses.
  • Check your computations with that of your eye doctor or online store to make sure that your figures are correct.

It is possible that you will shift from standard eyeglasses to contact lenses like air optix aqua. However, it is important to study first the effects, benefits, disadvantages, care process and financial considerations before you see the ECP. The initial step is to get in touch with an ophthalmologist before deciding to use contact lenses. This eye doctor specializes in eye care. He or she can look into eye ailments, performs surgery on people's eyes, and dispenses prescriptions for eyeglasses and contact lenses. There are also helpful tips for safe use of contact lenses. You need to see a competent eye doctor who provides full-service care. You will undergo a thorough eye examination, assessment of your suitability for contact lens wear, appropriate lens care kits, individual instructions for wear and care and regular follow-up visits to the trustworthy eye doctor.

Make it a point to compare costs, benefits and quality before you buy contact lenses. Obtain the recommendations of a licensed ECP and get a valid prescription. Get the more relevant info on air optix aqua...

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Thursday, 9 January 2014

5 Things Every Parent Needs to Know About Their Children's Eye Sight

Expert Author Martin Oguzie

Many parents are blissfully unaware of how important the first several years of child development are for eyes. These formative years are critical to the development of good eye sight in childhood and and also determine the quality of vision your child will have in adulthood. It is therefore important to pay particular attention to signs that may be unusual and, the following points are particularly noteworthy.

1. Kids need eye tests - Before your child reaches school age they should get their eyes tested by an optometrist at your local opticians. This means they should be tested by the age of 4 years old if not before this. This is important because any sight problems may hinder your child's learning. Don't assume that schools will screen for this or indeed detect any sight problems.

2. Don't expect your kids to know - Many parents assume that because their child hasn't indicated a problem with their sight, they must be seeing perfectly well. Well, the nature of many gradual sight changes means that many people will not be aware of the effect of this change to their sight. I examine many seemingly good sighted children who come to get their eyes tested only for their parents to learn that their child requires glasses. Make regular eye tests routine.

3. Children's eyes are not born fully developed - Up to the age of about 7-8 years of age the visual system and eyes of a child is still developing. This has several implications. Firstly - it means that any developmental problems with the child's sight discovered well before this age stands a good chance of being reversed with the right treatment or therapy. Secondly - it also means that any development problems discovered after this age is unlikely to be reversible because the visual system is believed to reach maturity around this age. Earlier testing and detection is therefore essential.

4. Computers do not damage sight - A statement that sounds a little controversial and counterintuitive, I know. However there is little if any significant research to support the notion that using computers a lot, or reading a lot for that matter, causes any damage to your child's eyes or the rate of change in their eye sight. Having said that, computers do cause known discomfort issues associated with eyestrain (over tired eye muscles) and dryness. As a result children should have regular breaks from too much computer use and reading. A minimum of 10 minutes every hour and periods of sitting back to change focus to look at objects further away should help deal with fatigue.

Of course, the fact that there is no conclusive evidence of damage or deterioration in sight, caused by excessive computer use, does not mean that caution shouldn't be applied until more is understood.

5. Look out for signs of problems - You should pay attention to signs that may point to your child having a sight or eye problem. Examples include: Holding reading material further away - this may indicate excessive long-sightedness, requiring glasses. Closing one eye - this may indicate that your child is experiencing double vision, requiring investigation urgently. White pupils in photographs - this could be evidence of the most common childhood retinal tumor retinoblastoma, requiring urgent investigation also. Any such suspicious signs are worthy of investigation by your optometrist, so don't delay.

Martin Oguzie is a UK based Optometrist, author and writer at

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Sunday, 5 January 2014

Expert Author Joel Travers King
Whether we are at the beach swimming or playing volleyball, at the park enjoying a delicious picnic, or taking the kids to summer camp, except for the heat and the humidity, we can all agree that the summer is a fun and enjoyable occasion for the whole family. However, in the midst of all the fun and games, it's essential to protect our eyes from the harmful U.V rays of the sun. As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is better than cure and wearing sunglasses can protect our eyes from a series of eye problems and conditions.

Eye exercises are natural techniques used to protect and strengthen the eyes. An additional benefit of eye exercises is the fact that they reduce the eye's sensitivity to light. Sunglasses protect your eyes from the sun and as such, they are a good compliment to your eye exercise program.

A study by the New England Eye Institute revealed some surprising facts about the attitude of Americans to wearing sunglasses. The study stated that while 80% of Americans are aware of the harmful effects of U.V rays on the skin, only 5% are aware of its damaging effects on the eyes.

In a 2012 survey, the American Vision Council listed the reasons people don't wear sunglasses.

About 50% of the respondents said that they forget their sunglasses. Another 20% said that they didn't think that the U.V rays posed a serious risk to their eye health. 14% admitted that they have a tendency to break or lose their glasses often.

Here are some helpful tips to eliminate this problem:
Always have a few extra pairs handy. Have one specific place where you keep them regularly. This way you'll never forget where you put them.

Wearing sunglasses is important because repeated, excess, lonterm exposure to the U.V rays of the sun can cause cataracts, macular degeneration, and cancer of the eye, eye lid or tender skin around the eyes. Last but not the least of eye problems is a painful condition called Photokeratitis. This is defined as a painful sunburn of the eye that causes the symptom of temporary vision loss for a period of 2 days and Pterygiums which is described as a growth of tissue around the edge of the cornea that can only be corrected by surgical removal. Sunglasses should be worn regardless of weather conditions as the potential dangers of U.V rays are ever present in sunny weather and also cloudy weather.

In terms of choosing the right pair, it's important to ensure that they block 100% of U.V rays of the sun. An ideal pair of sunglasses that provide maximum protection from the sun would be a pair of sunglasses with the ANSI label on it. ANSI stands for the American National Standards Institute. It is a common misconception that the darker the shade of the sunglasses, the greater the protection. In fact, wearing a darker shade defeats the purpose of your sunglasses because they cause the pupils to dilate, causing more U.V rays to enter the eyes. It is not the shade of darkness that matters but it is the coating on the lenses that makes them safe. Store bought sunglasses are more reliable than those purchased from a street vendor.

Sunglasses are a good compliment to your eye exercise program. It's like having insurance for the eyes, safeguarding them from the dangers of the harmful U. V rays of the sun. Follow these tips and have a fun and happy summer season that is free from worries and stress.

I am a natural vision improvement success story. Having done extensive research in the field of natural vision improvement, I enjoy helping others protect and improve their vision. Take the next step to sharper, clearer, eyesight today! Visit

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