Wednesday, 22 May 2013

The Risks of "Low Cost" LASIK

Although LASIK eye surgery has only been around for 20 years, the public generally accepts it as a safe and gratifying procedure. With a 99 percent satisfaction rate, there really is no reason for accepted candidates not to get it.

People should be aware that a quality LASIK procedure done by a certified surgeon will cost money. The average beginning price for the procedure is $1,500 per eye, and the worse one's vision is, the higher the price will climb. Luckily, when one visits a legitimate eye surgeon, there are no hidden costs. The cost given will include surgery, checkups and if needed, a warranty for touch up surgery.

When just the main laser to perform LASIK eye surgery can cost anywhere from $500,000 to $700,000, a $3,000 surgery doesn't sound so bad. Additionally, annual upkeep of an eye surgeon's equipment is another $25,000.

Advertisements that offer "low cost" or "free" LASIK eye surgery should not be trusted. For starters, no organization can afford to do the procedure for free.
Low cost LASIK eye surgery translates to inexperienced doctors, careless check ups and old equipment.

Experienced surgeons don't advertise for "low cost" or "free" LASIK. These surgeons will also screen patients before signing off on surgery and will honestly tell patients if the are good candidates for LASIK eye surgery. Surgeons who advertise cheap LASIK don't care if a patient may not be the best candidate; they put money over the safety of patients.

Before choosing a LASIK eye surgeon, check his or her qualifications. Certificates that say "best surgeon" or rank eye doctors are often fakes. Qualified surgeons often have other areas of eye specialties that they feel comfortable talking about.

Clinics may be able to offer low cost LASIK eye surgery because they use old equipment. Older equipment won't improve vision as well as the newest, FDA approved equipment. It also may be less safe because it hasn't been maintained or cleaned as frequently.

Talk to a trusted ophthalmologist before choosing where to go for LASIK. Saving money on surgery is not worth it if leads to infection and complication. The most important aspect of any surgery is being able to trust your doctor.

Meagan Hollman writes for and supports Utah's Mount Ogden Eye Care because they provide efficient and friendly service to those who need eye care.

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