Friday, 16 May 2014

Home Remedies For Tired Eyes

Tired eyes can affect your whole body, you have trouble thinking, concentrating and your mind feels all blocked up. Tiredness of the eyes is a very common problem which comes hand-in-hand with lack of sleep, when your eyes don't get enough rest they become sore, the skin becomes swollen and puffy, you may even get bloodshot eyes. This is because your eyes need resting time, usually 7-8 hours a night is enough. During sleeping hours your eyes process all the things they have seen that day, without this time to rest they get over worked.
Tired Eyes Symptoms
  • Burning
  • Redness
  • Blurry Vision
  • Heaviness
  • Headache
  • Itchiness

If you are suffering from any of the symptoms above then you are most likely suffering from tired eyes. But don't worry it's not a serious problem, a good nights rest should sort it out in no time.
If there is any pain in the eyes then a doctor should be consulted, this is not something that is advised to be treated at home.
Home Remedies For Tired Eyes
Using a home remedy for tired eyes is always the best option, it is gentle to your eyes and doesn't cost a lot of money. Here are some of the best ways to treat your tired eyes from home.
  • Try placing two spoons in the fridge overnight, when you get them out they will be quite cold. Place them on closed eyelids to help with any tiredness or puffiness. You eyes should feel a bit more awake.
  • Dip a cotton ball into some milk, and place it on the eyes for a few minutes. Milk is said to have healing properties which work well on tired eyes.
  • Cucumber is popular for helping eyes relax and this is because it actually does, cucumber is made mostly from water. Cut a couple of slices and place them over the eyes for instant relief.
  • Washing the eyes regularly with cold water may help, it helps lubricate them and stops them from feelings tired.
  • Get a cup of water and mix in some lavender oil, dip a cotton ball into the mixture and rub over the eyelids. Lavender is very useful for helping to relax and getting your muscles to relax. It is perfect for helping to get a good nights rest.
  • If you wear contacts, try removing them for a couple of days and stick to glasses. Contacts can aggravate the eyes surface so it would be beneficial to take a break and use some of the above treatments on the eyes.
  • Don't read in the dark or use the computer in a dark room, this can cause your eyes to have to work harder than they need to which makes them more tired. Take a break for a little while if you are using the computer for long periods of time.

Do you want to know about Home remedies for red eyes [] then you should click here []
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