Sunday, 13 July 2014

What Causes Double Vision?

Expert Author Rachel Berret
Have you ever had the experience when you see things in double? It is as if there are two of every single thing that you see. Sometimes, it would happen for only a few hours. But it can also last for entire days and can happen frequently. If this happens often, maybe you should already try to consult an eye doctor because you may already be suffering from a condition called diplopia or commonly called "double vision".

Your eyes do work independently, one eye perceiving an image in a totally different way that the other does. But as the neurons get to your brain, the images are reconciled in that you would be made to interpret and "see" only one object. Diplopia or double vision happens when this particular function of your brain becomes distracted.

Double vision can be caused by a number of eye disorders. One primary cause is cornea problems. When your cornea is infected or is severely scarred, your vision can be unequal. It can also progress to dryness of the cornea, which is a common cause of double vision.

Having cataracts can also cause diplopia. Cataracts usually affect your lens, which perceive the images that your eyes gather. Due to the presence of cataracts, which may either be in one or in both eyes, the images can be quite distorted and you may see two objects instead of one.

Problems with your eye muscles can also be considered as causes of double vision. If the muscles that control your eyes are relatively weak, they tend to distort the images that you see. Sometimes, when the muscles of one eye are weaker than the other, the image you see can be distorted at the surface level. It is likely that the images depicted by that eyes would not reconcile with the clearer depiction of the eye with a stronger set of muscles.

Finally, problems with your nerves and your brain can cause double vision. Tumors, multiple sclerosis, strokes and aneurysms can distort the travel of messages from your eyes to your brain. It would be difficult for your brain to reconcile the images perceived by your eyes and would cause you to see double.

Diplopia can happen to anybody. This is why it is important that you take care of your eyes to ensure that they will not be affected by any condition that would distort the images they perceive.

Hi. I'm Rachel Berret, a big advocate seeing an osteopath for your health complaints. I have a great osteopath Melbourne that helps me overcome my own aches and pains such as back pain, neck pains and headaches.

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