Thursday 31 May 2012

How to Choose a Reputable Lasik Surgery Clinic and Surgeon

By Thomas C Lee

With the recent surge in the popularity of Lasik and Epilasik eye surgeries, clinics offering the treatment are appearing all over the world, all offering apparently miraculous treatments for persistent and chronic eye conditions. Lasik is now used for correcting a wide range of eye conditions and has become one of the most common forms of laser surgery performed on the eyes throughout the world. As the years have passed, the treatment has continued to improve its efficacy as well as success rate, and today most patients can benefit from this treatment. Epilasik surgery is not suitable for all people, but offers similar rates of effectiveness to Lasik.

For patients considering Lasik or Epilasik eye surgery, cost is of course an important consideration. Laser eye surgery remains expensive to perform because of the sophisticated machinery and the medical expertise required to perform it, and when looking for a Lasik eye surgery, cost cutting can seem like the right way to go - but you should look hard at any deal that seems too good to be true.
A reputable Lasik surgery clinic is one that uses the most up-to-date and sophisticated technology to perform procedures. If a clinic makes any scientific claims that sound unfeasible, you can check them in relevant literature or use independent websites such as the USA FDA to obtain sensible guidelines about what eye surgery can and cannot achieve.

The most important factor in Lasik surgery is the doctor who will be performing the procedure. A good Lasik surgery clinic will be staffed with fully certified and highly experienced medical personnel who will be able to fully explain the Lasik side effects which may occur as a result of the treatment. The surgeon performing the treatment should be competent, well-versed in the equipment used for Lasik procedures, experienced in carrying out the treatment, and able to fully explain the procedure to you in a way that you can understand. Ask whether the surgeon is truly a 'consultant' in this field, find out where he or she trained and which ophthalmic board has awarded his or her certification. You should also ask about the experience that they have with corneal surgery. If you are undergoing Epilasik surgery, the surgeon should be able to explain why this treatment, which is generally used on those with thinner corneas, is most appropriate for you. It is true that Epilasik surgery also has a slightly higher risk of post-surgery discomfort, and the surgeon should be able to explain this to you.

For most people, Lasik surgery presents minimal risks and is very safe. However, as with all medical procedures - and particularly invasive ones such as surgery - there is always the risk of complications or particular side effects following the procedure. After undergoing Lasik, some side effects include sensitivity to light - patients are encouraged to bring along a pair of dark glasses to wear during the journey home from the clinic. A reputable Lasik clinic will be able to advise on the aftercare for your eyes, and provide you with eye drops to use for the first few days after the procedure to speed the healing process. You may experience mild discomfort (or more for Epilasik surgery), but if you start to feel something more severe, you should immediately consult with your eye clinic, who will be able to advise on a course of action.

Thomas Lee advises on the subject of eye health, particularly Lasik side effects and new vision correction treatments such as the Epilasik.

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Is laser vision correction right for you?


If you're looking into LASIK vision correction, it's probably because you don't want to wear glasses or contact lenses any more. Sure, glasses can be a fashion statement, but they can also just get in the way.

They're a hassle during your favorite activities, and they block your beautiful eyes from the world. If they're not getting smudged, they're getting knocked off. Contacts show your eyes off, but they've got their own set of problems.

All the supplies you have to buy, the constant cleaning procedures and checkups, lost lenses and allergies. Now, imagine life without contacts and glasses – the simplicity, the freedom to do what you want without worry. That's what LASIK surgery can give you.

Laser vision correction

Changing the way you see the world.

You've had vision problems for most, maybe all of your life? So, you've paid dues, it's time for a brand new outlook! But, before you dive in, you need to know the basics about your eyes, the condition that affects them, and how laser vision correction gets the job done.

Myopia (Nearsightedness)

Light rays bend more than they should, so they focus in front of the retina. Distant objects seem blurred.

Hyperopia (Farsightedness)

Light rays bend less than they should, so they focus behind the retina. Close objects seem blurred.


Light rays bend at different angles, so they're not all focused at the same spot. All objects seem blurred.


Certain eye conditions can affect your surgical options -thin corneas, Dry Eye Syndrome, etc. Your doctor may test for them, just in case. Don't forget to mention any other medical conditions you have, or anymedications you might be taking, as they can affect Surgery as well. Finally, and most importantly, your surgeon will make sure that you are comfortable and knowledgeable about laser vision correction, answering any questions you might have and helping you understand what you can expect from the procedure. Based upon your unique needs, your surgeon will recommend the laser eye correction procedure that is right for you. Keep in mind, though, that no matter which procedure you choose, each type of laser vision correction is safe, effective and can give you the results you have always dreamed of.

Wednesday 30 May 2012

How Long is the Healing Time After LASIK Surgery?

By Becki Andrus

Expert Author Becki Andrus

"How long is the healing time after LASIK?" is a question which many people ask when initially considering this surgery. How long the healing time is after LASIK will depend on a number of factors including:

*Any complications which occurred during the surgery. Some complications will heal on their own, although the recovery time will be extended for a few more months; while others will require additional surgery or enhancements.

*How well the patient follows post-operative rules and cares for his eyes.

*If there are additional complications for any follow up procedures and surgeries and enhancements.
The healing time following a successful LASIK surgery without any complications will generally be about one day, with the patient enjoying improved 20/20 or 20/40 vision immediately after the surgery.

During the 24 hours immediately after the surgery, the patient will generally just need to rest the eyes, wear a protective shield to cover and protect the eyes, and apply antibiotic eye drops to prevent infection. Most patients can return to work the following day after the surgery without any side effects.

However, a number of complications which may occur after the surgery, these complications may be either a result of surgical error or the patient's own visual and overall health. If complication occur, the healing time after LASIK will be lengthened considerably, extending the recovery period anywhere from one to six months.

Complications which will heal themselves without requiring any additional treatment include: halos/starbursts, dry eye, central corneal islands, infection, and visual regression.
LASIK healing time may also be determined by complications that require additional treatment such as irregular astigmatism, diffuse lamellar keratosis, central corneal island that do not resolve themselves, and epithelial ingrowth. These additional treatments will extend the recovery period to two months to one year.

The healing time after LASIK surgery is typically pain free and does not inhibit the patient from going about his normal everyday life. Complications may cause discomfort and less than ideal visual acuity, but are not debilitating or restrictive; in most cases the patient may still resume his everyday lifestyle.

Overall, the LASIK procedure is one of the safest and pain free surgical procedures, with one million plus patients undergoing the procedure in the US each year with a 95% satisfaction rate; this surgery has one of the quickest healing times overall for successful surgeries, and the healing time after this procedure is usually not a deterrent for most considering it.

In 2006, a study was done that concluded that contact wearers are at a greater risk for infection than individuals who have had Lasik eye surgery. In the past 10 years, over 3 million people have experienced the benefits of Lasik with nearly perfect results. Would you like to be one of them?

Find out today what Lasik eye surgery could do for you:

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Tuesday 29 May 2012

Laser Vision Correction: Don't Be Afraid to Shop Around

By Dr Ilan Sebban

For many people the cost of laser surgery may appear at first glance to be prohibitive. Some clinics charge for every step of the procedure, from an initial consultation fee to each pre- and post-operative visit, as well as any necessary re-treatments, resulting in fees of as much as $4000 per eye.

Australia allows for competition, so eye surgeons are free to charge any price that a patient is prepared to pay. Is there any reason, however, to justify such a high cost?

Today the three most sought-after elective laser eye surgical procedures are surface laser (PRK, LASEK, ASL or ASLA), LASIK (Microkeratome or Intralase), and Presbyopic laser or Blended Vision (Presbylaser or Presbymax). While all three involve the laser, LASIK uses the flap procedure, the laser cutting a flap in the cornea to reshape it. PRK, on the other hand, utilizes the laser to reshape the surface of the cornea without a cut, while Presbyopic laser involves LASIK or PRK.

The cost of laser eye surgery should depend on the type of surgical procedure you are planning, the level of service, quality and safety of the clinic involved, the skills and experience of the surgeon, and the equipment he or she will be using. However, it should not depend on the clinic's overheads.

Some practices have significant overheads particularly due to to patient acquisition costs, which include advertising, seminars and fees paid to other eye care practitioners for referrals and co-management. Usually all these costs are passed on to the patient. Indeed, a US study has found that in 2009, only 47.2% of eye surgeons quoted a single all-inclusive price for laser surgery, while in 2010, only 54.1% quoted a single price.

There are practices that choose to make this surgery affordable, charging as little as $1000 or so per eye. Relying on word of mouth as the best way to acquire patients, their volume of business increases, enabling them to reduce costs and pass significant savings on to their patients, who also benefit from the surgeons' greater experience and expertise.

The Shinagawa Eye Laser clinics, for example, which began in Tokyo and have now expanded throughout Japan and Singapore, began surgery at an affordable price and achieved astronomical patient numbers, which has allowed them to expand while at the same time keeping prices low.
The most important consideration when you compare the costs of laser eye surgery isn't financial at all. It's that you have confidence in the eye surgeon. If you don't like what you hear, get a second opinion.

Since June 2004, The Sebban Eye Centre ( ) has consistently aimed to be the most competitively priced laser vision correction centre in Australia, quoting a single price for laser vision correction. This means that pre- and post-operative visits, technologies such as customized wavefront procedures, and enhancements are not priced separately and charged as "extras," in addition to a basic fee for a laser vision correction procedure, but are incorporated in a single, all-inclusive cost.

Remember: Don't be afraid to shop around for the best surgeon at the lowest price.

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Monday 28 May 2012

Causes of Color Blindness and How Does it Happen

By Jannah J Smith

During college days, I remembered when we took the college entrance examination. A friend of mine did not pass the physical exam of the school because he is color blind. How could this happen? Is it possible that a person is color blind? Let me first discuss what color blindness is. Color blindness or color vision deficiency is the inability of a person to know the differences between some colors.

Color blindness is due to a default gene and it can also occur due to eye, nerve and brain damage or exposure to chemicals. A chemist named John Dalton, a color blind conducted a study about color blindness. Because of his work, the condition was named Daltonism. This term is now referred to as Deuteranopia. It is classified as a mild disability. There are situations that color blind individuals have an advantage over those that have normal color vision because they can better penetrate certain color camouflages.

The human retina has two kind of light cells. The rod cells that is active in a low light and the cone cells that are active in a normal day light. In a normal eye, there are three kinds of cones that contain different pigments. These pigments are activated when it absorbs the light. The absorption capacity of the cones differ, one is sensitive to a short wavelength, one to a medium wavelength and the other one to a long wavelength. The absorption capacity of these three systems covers much of the visible spectrum.

Different colors are recognized when the different types of cones are being stimulated to a different degree. For example, a red light stimulates the long wave length cones. When the wave length is reduced, the other two cones are stimulated increasingly that causes the change of color to blue. The gene that is involved in color vision is the X chromosome. Color blindness is more common in males than females because of the fact that males have only one X chromosome while females have two.

Color blindness can be inherited and can be congenital. Individuals that are color blind since birth can be color blind for the rest of his life depending on the mutation. In some cases, certain color blindness can progress to legal blindness and sometimes a person will totally become blind.
Janna contributes to many free article directories and is a paid staff writer for, where you can find articles on subjects ranging from wood file cabinets [] to stackable storage bins []. You may republish this article free of charge, anywhere online, as long as all keyword links are left intact.
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Sunday 27 May 2012

Natural Vision Correction - Eye Exercises To Improve Vision

In case you did not know, eye exercises to improve vision work even beyond your expectations. Without resorting to the wearing of glasses, there are so many beautiful techniques that can help you improve your sight, thereby restoring your vision. After so many years of studies and research, the world can now have a taste of an improved version of the techniques put together by Dr. William H Bates in 1880.

Even though not every vision related problems can be resolved through natural means, some problems like short-sightedness and far- sightedness can be resolved without surgery. It is sad to discover that our kind of lifestyle has not really helped our sights in anyway; that is why urgent steps should be taken to improve things now!

Common Causes

Our kinds of lifestyles have not really helped us in terms of improving our sight. Many of us stay glued to our television sets and computers, causing strains to our sights. All these cause serious damages as we age. That is why many people continue to depend on yearly prescriptions and regular medications to keep their sight healthy. This leads to situations where one can hardly do anything without his glasses or contact lenses. Our eyes remain an integral part of our body, and should like our body be engaged in regular exercises. The question is, when was the last time you got involved in eye exercises to improve vision?

One of the most popular exercises to improve sights is Palming. Palming allows your eyes to relax and can help alleviate problems such as strain which can result in head aches and migraines.
Solutions To Eyesight Challenges

One of the earliest and perhaps most popular methods of improving visions is known as Palming. This method helps your sight to relax, thereby helping to resolve problems such as strain which causes migraines and other related issues.

This method enables you to dedicate some minutes everyday to rest and free yourself of any stress related issues. First you have to rub your hands together to generate some heat before using them to cover your eyes for a period of three minutes or thereabout. If you can do this minor exercise without letting lights get in during this process, it can really improve your sight. Originally, Dr. William H Bates introduced this and many other exercises; and the world has since witnessed a lot of improvements in some of these methods.

The Bates method for better eyesight without glasses has become a reference point for millions all over the world. Many have since benefited from it and many still do even these days. Today, vision improvement exercises have spread across nations and continents, providing solutions wherever they are being applied.

For a reliable guide which uses the Bates method to improve eyesight without eyeglasses or surgery, CLICK HERE!

For more tips and more useful resources on eye exercises to improve vision, visit SEE WITHOUT GLASSES

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Saturday 26 May 2012

10 Things You Need To Know About Lasik Vision Correction

10 Things You Need To Know About LASIK Vision Correction

1. LASIK isn’t for everyone

Before undergoing any LASIK procedure, you should have a thorough eye exam.Visit Here Now

Any good LASIK surgeon will do this to determine whether you’re a good candidate, although some facilities which emphasize profits over quality will do it perfunctorily or even not at all.

Good outcomes are important to a good LASIK surgeon. So it’s in his/her interests as well as yours to test your vision and overall eye conditions carefully before going ahead with any LASIK procedure. If your cornea is too thin, your pupil diameter too large, or the cause of your vision problem is not any refractory error, then you need a solution other than LASIK.

As well, if you’re:

· Pregnant

· Under 18

· Diabetic

· Have any of a variety of diseases

· Are taking certain medications

you will not be a good candidate for LASIK.

2. LASIK treats only certain eye conditions

If your vision problem is caused by irregularities in the shape of your corneas:

· Nearsightedness

· Farsightedness

· Astigmatism

you may be a good candidate for LASIK. If your vision problem has any other cause, then other procedures will be needed to correct it.

3. LASIK doesn’t treat presbyopia

Presbyopia is often mixed up with hyperopia, farsightedness. As we age and start needing reading glasses, we can often still see well in far distances, so it might seem that if LASIK can correct farsightedness, why can’t it correct presbyopia too?

It can’t, because presbyopia is caused not by the shape of the corneas, but by two other things:

· The lens becoming more stiff with age

· The tiny eye muscles becoming more weak

So from the combination of those two trends, we have a decreasing ability to focus at different distances. At first we can still see at far distances and just need correction for near distances. But eventually far distances become more of a problem too.

4. The laser used is a cool one

LASIK uses an excimer laser, which is a cool beam of very tightly focused ultraviolet light. There’s no possibility of heat hurting your eyes. All lasers give off heat, but the excimer laser penetrates to only a microscopic depth of the cornea and its action is to vaporize tiny pieces of corneal tissue such that your vision will be corrected. As it does that, its heat is dissipated also. This process is called photoablation.

All lasers are man-made, and for specific different purposes. Excimer lasers are made from a mix of reactive and inert gases, which when electrically stimulated, produce a kind of molecule called a dimer. The name excimer is a combination of excited and dimer.

5. Excimer lasers are incomprehensibly precise

The excimer laser beam used for vision correction is 0.25 microns wide. That’s about 0.5% of the width of a typical human hair. This microscopic diameter makes it extraordinarily precise.

We know that tools are only as good as the person using them, and with the excimer laser system, a technician specifically trained in these systems, is in charge, working with your eye surgeon. This technician sets up the laser system, which incorporates a computer, microscope, patient bed, and other controls for the surgeon’s use. Then he operates it in cooperation with the surgeon.

6. Wavefront-guided LASIK is even more accurate than traditional LASIK

Wavefront technology is a recent addition to LASIK procedures. It’s also called Custom LASIK, because by so accurately diagnosing the problem, it customizes the vision correction you receive.

Wavefront diagnostic can, and many feel should, be done on all LASIK candidates. It can be done separately from using Wavefront-guided LASIK to treat the problem. It works by sending special light into the eyes, which reflects back to the Wavefront system, carrying with it detailed information about the irregularities on your corneas.

This information is expressed as a 3-D map of your corneas on the computer monitor, and translated into mathematical formulae that your eye surgeon uses to guide the laser in correcting your problem.

7. LASIK is a quick and painless procedure

Before the procedure is begun, anesthetizing eyedrops are applied. Many of us don’t like to have someone else touching our eyes, and some are alarmed at the idea of a laser shining into their eyes. Some eye surgeons also offer medication such as Valium if you feel very anxious.

The laser itself is used for only seconds. Exactly how long would depend on how much correction was needed but it would be less than about 20 seconds. The entire procedure takes about 20 minutes for both eyes. Afterwards you may feel a slightly scratchy sensation, but most people don’t need any pain medication.

8. There are restrictions on your activity in the recovery period

For the first week or so, you need to wear an eye shield when you sleep. This is to prevent pressure being put on your eyes. For the same reason, don’t touch or rub your eyes.

· You can shower or bathe, but no swimming

· No eye makeup for a week or so

· Normal activity starting the day after surgery, but no contact sports for a few weeks

9. Follow-up is required after a LASIK treatment

A good eye surgeon will give you a series of follow-up visits, starting the day after your procedure, and then approximately:

· A week later

· A month later

· 3 months later

· 6 months later

· 1 year later

These visits are to check on the healing, both short-term and long-term, and on the vision improvement and patient satisfaction.

10. There’s no guarantee of 20/20 vision

Many people do achieve 20/20 vision after a LASIK surgery. But a good eye surgeon does not guarantee it. There can be complications sometimes. LASIK will correct only certain eye problems, so if you have any other problem that affects your vision, it remains after LASIK surgery.Visit Here Now

Divya gupta

Divya gupta - About the Author:

Visit Here Now

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Common Eye Diseases - Glaucoma Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

By Benjamin M. Thomas

Expert Author Benjamin M. Thomas

Glaucoma is one of the most common eye diseases, striking 1 in 200 people below 50. It is much more common among the elderly - almost 10% of all people above 80 suffer from glaucoma. Glaucoma is a very dangerous disease as it can lead to loss of eye sight if left untreated. Further, detection of this eye disease is quite difficult as the symptoms manifest themselves only in more advanced stages.

In glaucoma, the optic nerve gets damaged, typically due to increased pressure of aqueous humor, the fluid present in the eye. Damage to the optic nerve may be minor, but over time, it may lead to complete blindness.

Symptoms of Glaucoma
Glaucoma can be effectively classified into two types: Open-Angle, and Closed-Angle. The former is more common, and also harder to detect. In ope-angle glaucoma, the patient suffers gradual loss of eyesight leading to complete blindness if left untreated. The field of vision gradually decreases and there are changes in the optic nerve. Because of the absence of perceptible changes in the early stages, it becomes difficult to detect. More than 90% of all glaucoma cases in the United States are open-angle, though this figure is much smaller in Asian and European countries.

Closed-angle glaucoma is rarer. Its symptoms are also much more acute, and include pain in the eyes, seeing spots, halos or lights, extremely red eyes, and nausea. Vision loss may be very sudden and extremely painful. Closed-angle glaucoma needs to be treated immediately as it can very quickly lead to complete blindness. It affects less than 10% of people in the United States.

Causes of Glaucoma
The primary cause of this eye disease, as outlined above, is increase in the pressure on the ocular nerve from the fluid present in the eyes (aqueous humor). This increase in the pressure itself is influenced by genetics. For instance, East Asians are more likely to suffer from closed-angle glaucoma than open-angle, whereas those with an African descent are thrice as likely to suffer from open-angle glaucoma than their caucasian counterparts.

Other causes of glaucoma are diabetes, variations in blood pressure, hypertension, and trauma. This eye disease is also related to age and is much more prevalent among the elderly. This is because of genetics, as well as increased health issues among the elderly such as hypertension, diabetes, etc.

Cures for Glaucoma
There is no permanent cure for glaucoma as of now, and all the cures can only provide temporary relief. In early stages, glaucoma can be corrected by taking external medication such as eye drops. These eye drops help to reduce the pressure in the eyes.

In later stages, surgery may be effective in providing temporary relief. Surgery may be carried out through conventional methods, or through laser. In most cases, such operations don't provide long lasting cures.

Glaucoma is a difficult disease to cure because of its genetic origins. However, one can prevent its occurrence by taking good care of the health, especially against diseases like diabetes and hypertension which have a role to play in this eye disease.

If you've ever visited an eye doctor, you know how expensive vision care can be. But did you know you can shave off hundreds of dollars from your vision care costs by getting an individual vision insurance policy?

Find out more about this cheap, but extremely cost effective policy at my site:

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Monday 21 May 2012

Revitalise the Ageing Eye through Clarivu Lens Replacement Eye Surgery

Clear lens exchange or lens replacement eye surgery is a surgical procedure done to improve vision problems. It involves removing the natural lens of the eye and replacing it with an artificial lens. The result is like having brand new clear lenses.

Lens replacement aims to correct one or more eye conditions. The most popular application is cataract surgery, where the clouded lens is replaced. This is also becoming popular as a vision correction procedure for people who want to minimise or get rid of prescription eyeglasses and contact lenses. Most often, those who are not suitable candidates for laser eye surgery such as LASIK or other forms of refractive surgeries can have lens replacement surgery.

The process is a relatively quick outpatient procedure, meaning the patient does not need to stay long in the hospital. The eye surgeon will do a thorough evaluation and eye examination before the surgery is scheduled. The procedure is virtually painless but on the day itself, the patient is given anaesthetic eye drops to ensure comfort. A very small incision is made using high precision instruments. A tiny probe is then inserted to dissolve the eye lens. The probe transmits ultrasound waves to gently break up the lens. The broken fragments are then easily suctioned out. Finally, the doctor inserts an intraocular lens or IOL through the same incision. Generally, the procedure is completed in less than 30 minutes for each eye. There are no stitches involved since the minute incision made will heal by itself.

Among the largest groups of people choosing to have replacement lens surgery are those aged 50 and above. In this age group, not only do the skin, hair, organs, muscles, and bones start to deteriorate but vision also gradually declines along with advancing age. It may not be particularly noticeable at first but the fact is that beginning in the early forties, the eye naturally goes through changes. The previously flexible lens becomes less elastic and the muscle fibres around the lens become stiffer. This decreased elasticity results in difficulty focusing on objects up close. This deterioration is usually managed by wearing reading glasses while looking at fine print or doing activities that require near vision. For people with existing refractive errors, the solution is bifocals or progressive lenses. With bifocal lenses, the main lens is for distance vision while the smaller lower part has a stronger lens prescription for doing close work.

A lot of people, especially women, prefer not to wear prescription lenses. Despite glasses being available in much more fashionable styles than ever before they can still validate that the ageing years are finally here.

The procedure known as Clarivu is a lens replacement eye surgery and is the best option to restore good vision without having to wear eye glasses ever again. It is an ideal procedure to revitalise the ageing eye to restore normal vision.

The ageing eye can also become victim to the development of cataracts. A cataract is another lens problem, this time characterised by cloudiness of vision. Over the years, the protein molecules in the eye can slowly clump together causing loss of transparency in certain areas of the lens. This can be quite annoying since vision is partially obscured by the cataract formation. Although a cataract is painless, it can progress slowly to cause vision loss and is also potentially blinding if not treated. Cataract surgery involves removing of the old cloudy lens and replacing it with a synthetic lens. The procedure has a low complication rate, quick recovery, and leads to successful restoration of vision.

One does not need to wait for the lens to be almost completely clouded by cataracts. People with just the beginnings of cataracts can opt to have refractive lens exchange early on to have the benefits of clearer vision through lens replacement eye surgery. The older age group who wants to enjoy life comfortably without having to wear prescription glasses or those who do not want to develop cataracts later on can have lens replacement eye surgery. By having the lens replaced, it is like having a brand new set of young eyes with clear vision.

Kate Dawson

Kate Dawson - About the Author:

Kathryn Dawson writes articles about Clarivu total vision correction, and lens replacement eye surgery which can correct most types of eyesight deficiencies. For many people this implantable contact lens has enabled a whole new quality of life which they thought was never possible.

Sunday 20 May 2012

Tunnel Vision

Peripheral vision refers to your ability to see to either side of you while looking straight ahead. Tunnel vision refers to a reduction or loss of this ability. Without the ability to see to either side, the ability to maneuver while walking or driving becomes severely impaired. In some cases, tunnel vision becomes so severe that you cannot drive at all. Unfortunately, in many cases, this loss of vision is permanent.

What Might Lead to Tunnel Vision

Tunnel vision is not an illness or syndrome in itself, but occurs as a side effect of several different types of illness or injury. Some of the problems that lead to tunnel vision—also known as peripheral vision loss affect the eye itself, while others stem from problems with or injury to the retina, optic nerve, or even the brain.

Conditions that can lead to minor or severe tunnel vision include:

  • Brain injury
  • Stroke
  • "Eye strokes" that reduce blood flow to the eye
  • Glaucoma
  • Concussion
  • Retinal detachment

The most common cause of tunnel vision is glaucoma. This condition occurs when the pressure on the inside of the eyeball becomes elevated. The exact causes of glaucoma remain unknown, but a variety of treatments exists, including medications and specialized surgery designed to reduce the interior pressure of the eyeball.

Can Tunnel Vision be Cured?

The outlook for any individual case of tunnel vision depends upon what caused the problem to occur in the first place. If peripheral vision is lost due to glaucoma, the loss cannot be reversed. However, the progression of the vision loss can be greatly slowed by glaucoma treatment, ensuring that you will retain your remaining peripheral vision as long as possible.

Tunnel vision that occurs suddenly is usually due to an injury to the eye. Again, the type of injury that triggers the vision loss determines how much vision can be restored or if it can be restored at all. For example, if a detached retina is treated immediately with surgery, much if not all of your vision is likely to return. Other situations, such as eye injury, strokes or concussion, must be evaluated on an individual basis.

Sara Goldstein - About the Author:

For more information about tunnel vision, its causes and treatment, please visit the website of Dr. James Kelly, New York City area LASIK eye surgeon.

Friday 18 May 2012

Could Cataract Removal Surgery Change Your Life

Cataracts have in the past been considered to be just a part of life. A large percentage of adults over 70, just under 80 percent in fact, find their eyesight is affected by the condition. The possible causes of cataracts include:

  • Being exposed to UV light
  • Diseases such as Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Radiation
  • Aging
  • Trauma

Although they are mostly found to occur with aging they can happen in the under fifties, and occasionally even in children. The cataracts can cause greatly impaired vision which can start with just clouding and progress to complete loss of eye sight. This can hugely impact your day to day life, but there is a way to reverse the condition with cataract removal surgery, or stop them from ever occurring to you.

Say Goodbye to Cloudy Vision Forever

Thanks to the cataract removal surgery you are given the chance to reverse the symptoms caused by the eye condition. By removing the cataract and replacing your natural lens with an intraocular lens the problem is solved. It may sound too good to be true but many people are undergoing this surgery every day, which makes it one of the most common surgical procedures in theUKalone.

If you are concerned by lens implant complications then that is only natural. If you decide to look into the surgery in greater detail it is possible to have a consultation. During this meeting with the consultant you will have your eyes examined and the expert will be able to inform you about the procedure from start to finish, and answer any question you may have.

Solutions to the Complications

Any type of medical procedure can have complications, no matter how rare. It can help to know that any problems could be rectified without the need to undergo more surgery. A laser treatment on the lens in your eye can solve problems you might experience later down the line. It is possible that the lens needs to be altered slightly to provide you with perfect vision, and once again a simple laser procedure can provide the remedy.

More common problems are having sore or red eyes for a few days after the cataract removal surgery. The solution to this is to use eye drops which will contain anti inflammatory and antibiotic ingredients. Your consultant will be able to alleviate any concerns and talk to you about these risks in greater detail when you have your consultation.

About the Procedure

It is understandable if you are nervous about the procedure. Many people are, but it can help to know a little about what will happen if you decide to go ahead and book yourself the appointment. Firstly it is worth noting that each eye will need about attention for about twenty minutes in order to remove the cataracts and replace them with synthetic lenses.

During the process you will not be put under, instead your eyes will be treated with eye drops which are an anaesthetic. Once this has taken effect you will be operated on by the expert in the specialist eye hospital. After the natural but clouded lens has been removed the intraocular lens will be put in place and you will be given time to recover. It usually takes around one hour before patients feel ready to go home, but you can take as long as you need.

The Following Morning You Will See the World in a New Light

After a good nights sleep you will wake up to more comfortable eyes and be ready to face the world with fantastic vision. You will not need your prescription glasses anymore, or need to use contact lens. Instead your vision will be clear and crisp. You can return to work, or school, and continue with your everyday life with just one noticeable difference, the ability to see without assistance.

If you had the cataract removal surgery you will notice there is no cloudiness or blurring, everything is clear. Your eyes return to how they were before you were affected by the condition. If you also suffer from eye problems such as long or short sightedness then they will be cured too. The lens will be tailor made to provide you with corrected eyesight.

Taking the First Steps to Fantastic Vision

If you would like to look into the cataract removal surgery the first thing to do is find one of the specialist hospitals near you. Look on the internet or call up the hospital and book a consultation. It is that easy.

To discuss the ">causes of cataracts and cataract removal surgery contact the experts. They can alleviate any concerns about lens implant complications and start you on the journey to have new and improved vision.

Kate Dawson

Kate Dawson - About the Author:

Kate Dawson writes articles about Clarivu, which is an advanced form of cataract removal surgery using intraocular lens implants. The qualified and professional surgeons who perform Clarivu have many years of experience.

Thursday 17 May 2012

Children's Eye Care: When to Start Visiting the Eye Doctor

By Dr. Charles Simon

Expert Author Dr. Charles Simon

Good vision is essential to a child's success as they enter school-age years. As much as 80% of everything students learn is through their eyes, and if their vision is not performing properly their academic performance can suffer. As children progress in school, so does the demand on their visual capabilities; therefore, it is important to start monitoring your child's eye health long before they're in the classroom.

Between the ages of 2 and 5 years old, a child's visual abilities become more and more fine tuned from the abilities they were born with. That is also the frame of time that vision problems can start to develop. Crossed or lazy eyes are problems that can be spotted, but approximately 10% of all preschoolers have vision problems, and most children at that age do not voice their complaints about eye sight. Keep an eye out for these signs that your child may be having vision problems:

  1. Short attention span for their age
  2. Difficulty recognizing colors, shapes, letters, numbers
  3. Sitting close to the TV/holding a book close to their face
  4. Squinting
  5. Difficulty with hand-body coordination

By the time your child 3 years old you should take them to an optometrist for a comprehensive eye exam to be sure their eyes are developing properly, and are clear of any signs of eye diseases. With today's diagnostic tests, a child does not need to know the alphabet or be able to read before having an eye exam. You can aid your pre-school age child's visual development at home by engaging in some simple activities such as: playing catch or other hand-eye coordination games, using finger paints, reading, memory games, and interacting with other children.

For more information on eyeglasses and vision please visit our website: Simon Eye Associates.

Article Source:

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Pregnancy and Lasik Surgery - Understanding the Limitations

Lasik is a laser eye surgery that has helped millions of patients improve their vision. Many patients suffering from myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) or astigmatism experience relief from the need for corrective eye wear. A quick procedure with a minimal recovery period, many people are turning to Lasik for the best in vision correction.

Lasik is not suitable for everyone. Among many elements contributing to Lasik candidacy are age, overall health and the condition of the eyes. Women who are pregnant or nursing, may need to postpone laser eye surgery in order to avoid unnecessary complications. Learn more about the limitations of Lasik surgery for women who are pregnant.

Lasik Surgery and Refractive Instability

The goal of laser eye surgery is to pinpoint and correct unwavering refractive errors. As a result of natural hormonal changes, women who are pregnant or nursing commonly experience vision fluctuation. In addition to hormonal changes, vision may also be affected by corneal pressure due to fluid retention. Refractive instability during pregnancy and lactation hinders the ability of the Lasik surgeon to determine actual vision problems.

Under the environment of fluctuating vision, an inaccurate assessment of your refractive state can result in an inaccurate Lasik surgery procedure. Patients who elect to have Lasik while pregnant or nursing may experience overcorrection or undercorrection once hormonal balance returns to the body. In addition, the Lasik recovery process will involve periodic vision changes as the eye adjusts to the procedure. But it's impossible to identify whether vision fluctuation occurs as a result of pregnancy and breastfeeding, or laser eye surgery.

Dry Eyes and Pregnancy

Pregnancy can also cause dry eye conditions. In fact, most women find it too uncomfortable to wear contacts during pregnancy. Dry eye conditions can pose additional difficulties during recovery from laser eye surgery. People with dry eyes experience longer, more troublesome recovery periods.

Lasik Surgery and Medications During Pregnancy

Prescribed medications are another concern for potential Lasik patients who are pregnant or nursing. As part of the process, patients are required to take antibiotics and steroid eye drops before and after the Lasik procedure. Many patients also receive mild sedatives as a calming agent during laser eye surgery. As a result of entering the bloodstream, your baby will be exposed to these medications.

There are no hard facts about the risk of medications associated with Lasik for patients who are pregnant or nursing. However, possibility presents an essential precaution. As an elective procedure, laser eye surgery can easily be postponed in order to avoid unnecessary complications for you and your baby.

Pregnancy and Postponing Lasik Surgery

Patients who are pregnant, nursing or trying to conceive should postpone laser eye surgery until vision has stabilized. If you are pregnant, it is best to wait at least two months after you have stopped breastfeeding. Women electing not to breastfeed should postpone Lasik for a few months after giving birth, allowing enough time for hormonal balance to return. Patients should also wait six months to conceive following laser eye surgery.

About the Author

Keion Moradi
Schedule a consultation and medical eye exam with an experienced Lasik surgeon. Together with your doctor, you can decide if Lasik is right for you. Refer to for more information about laser eye surgery.

Monday 14 May 2012

Top 11 Home Remedies for Eye Irritation

Irritated eyes or eye irritation can be a result of different types of ailments. This can be due to a variety of reasons. One can use home remedies for eye irritation treatment at home. These remedies are very effective, safe, easy to use, affordable and easily available. Some of the common allergens or irritants include dust, smoke, pollen, micro-organisms (bacteria, virus) or any other foreign particle. In this article, there is a brief discussion on the remedies which one can use for the treatment of eye irritation at home. Let us examine them.

Top 11 home remedies for eye irritation

  • Cold compress:
  • Splash ice water on the face and eyes. Then, take ice packs or ice cubes, wrap them in a clean cotton towel and place it on the closed eyelids. This helps relieve the eyelids and irritated eyes.
  • Eucalyptus oil:
  • You can use a steaming towel with one or two drops of eucalyptus oil, as it can bring relief to the irritated eyes. You can also breathe in the steam with eucalyptus oil as it can make you feel much more better.

  • Cucumber slices:
  • This is one of the most common remedies which effectively treats eye irritation and inflammation. Cut two slices of cucumber, place in ice cold water for 10 minutes and later sit on a comfortable chair and place them on your closed eyelids, but don't lie down. Keep it for a few minutes. This remedy gives relief effectively.

  • Tea bags:
  • After preparing tea with a tea bag, allow it become cool. While the tea bag remains warm, place it on the eyelids as it gives relief. Or else you can also place the tea bag in ice cold water for 10 minutes and then place it on the eyelids. Either way it works to provide relief from irritated eyes effectively.

  • Water:
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day and use ice cold water to splash it on the eyes frequently throughout the day. Intake of extra fluids helps to keep the eyes hydrated and wash the eyes frequently to get relief.

  • Wash contact lenses properly:
  • It is important that you wash contact lenses carefully with the prescribed solution to remove dirt as it can also cause eye irritation. Remove them before sleeping as it can cause irritated eyes.

  • Aloe vera juice:
  • soak cotton swabs or a cloth in aloe vera juice and place them on the irritated eyes or use the aloe vera juice to wash your eyes. It helps to soothe your irritated eyes.

  • Frozen vegetables:
  • Freeze vegetables in the freezer and place the frozen vegetables on the eyelids, it effectively relieves irritation in the eyes.

  • Honey:
  • Prepare a honey eyewash by adding 3 tablespoons of honey into 2 cups of boiling water. Once the mixture is cool or when it is slightly warm use this as an eyewash. It also helps soothe the eyes and gives relief.

  • Artificial tears:
  • Eye irritation occurs due to the entry of foreign particles in the eyes, thus by using artificial tears you can moisten the eyes and even flush out those foreign particles.

  • Cold bread:
  • You can place cold bread on the eyes as it helps to reduce irritation, itchiness and inflammation in the eyes.

The above listed are some of the home remedies for eye irritation. These remedies work effectively, but never use all the remedies at one time and use one remedy at a time. If any remedy doesn't suit you, avoid its use and continue with the others or consult your eye specialist if the condition worsens. These remedies are very helpful to soothe irritated eyes.

- About the Author:
To know more about author's work . You can visit his website ygoy

Sunday 13 May 2012

How Much Does Lasik Eye Surgery Cost?

By Joseph A Stevenson

Expert Author Joseph A Stevenson

  A big factor when choosing to do lasik surgery is the cost that it will bring on you. A lot of people will make their decision on whether or not to do lasik solely on how much it is going to cost them.

Although lasik is pretty expensive, there are a lot of options out there to help you pay for it.

First of all lasik usually costs around 1,000 per eye in most cases. After everything is finished you can plan on paying around two thousand to twenty five hundred dollars for the whole procedure. This is pretty expensive but you have to remember that you will be able to see much better without the aid of glasses or contact lenses.

So if you have decided that you would like to have lasik done but you really just can't afford it, what are your options? Well first of all you can finance your lasik through one of the many health credit agencies. Most lasik offices will give you some options such as care credit to finance your surgery.

The different health credit agencies will have standard interest rates and payment plans that won't kill you.

Another thing you should think about when you are going to get lasik done is how much money you will be saving in the long run. Lasik will last you your entire life so your cost savings can be much better getting lasik than not. Lets say you are thirty years old right now and need lasik or glasses. If you stick with glasses you will probably spend around $200 every other year on prescriptions and doctors visits if you are lucky. This means that in around ten years when you are forty you will not only have spent around the same as lasik on glasses but you will also have had to put up with wearing glasses or contacts for the last ten years.

Besides prices you should think about the price that convenience and quality of life is to you. If you like to golf or ski or do anything outside that is difficult with glasses then lasik will not only benefit you but it will also create a more enriching lifestyle that you deserve.

Whatever you choose to do to correct your vision as long as you factor in all of the pros and cons, costs and benefits you will be sure to have better vision if you just plan it out right.

Joseph Stevenson is a Las Vegas Lasik Doctor consultant and Las Vegas Eye Doctor Advocate.

Article Source:

Saturday 12 May 2012

An Overview of Refractive Eye Surgery

Refractive eye surgery is a very broad term and covers several types of surgery for correcting eye problems. Many people don't realise that there is life after glasses, and in just a few shorts weeks you can have eyes that provide perfect sight. There are many reasons why a person might need to wear glasses, but the majority of the problems can be corrected with some form of refractive surgery. If you want an overview of refractive eye surgery then you have come to the right place. Read on to find out all about the different treatments available for correcting eye problems.

To start with there is laser eye surgery available. A whole range of conditions can be treated with this type of surgery. Lasik or "Laser in situ Keratomileusis" breaks down further still however. Advanced surface ablation is one form of lasik surgery that is done without having to make an incision in the cornea. This is only done in a rare number of cases. Another form of lasik surgery is blended vision. During this procedure one eye may be treated for shortsightedness whilst the other is treated for longsightedness. When a laser is used to make an incision on the cornea, this is known as Intralasik surgery and Wavefront is a tailor made form of the procedure that involves creating a 3D map of the patient's eye before carrying out a custom made laser eye surgery plan.

Another common type of refractive eye surgery is Lasek surgery. This is used for similar problems as those helped by lasik surgery, but usually when the problems are less severe. For example if the cornea only needs slightly flattening or slighting curving to correct near and farsightedness problems. It is also suitable for people who have thin corneas. Lasek is short for "laser assisted epithelial keratomileusis". Rather than creating a flap with an incision the fine surface of the cornea is instead loosened and folded back. An excimer laser is then used to reshape the cornea and therefore correct the refractive error in the eye. There is slightly longer recovery periods with lasek surgery than lasik although not usually more than a week or two.

Finally there is refractive eye surgery known as a Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE). This has helped thousands of people across the UK and beyond have their sight restored by removing their hardened eye lens and replacing it with an artificial one. The new lens can be customised too, so if you were previously long sighted, this will be corrected or if you were short sighted, the lens would be created so this was no longer a problem. There are many types of lens available and your eye doctor will be able to tell you the most appropriate type for your needs. This is excellent surgery for anyone suffering from cataracts in particular. As we age the lens of the eye becomes quite hard. When it also becomes a little cloudy, this is known as cataracts. By replacing the lens of the eye this problem can be removed altogether and a person's eye sight is restored. The cataracts can't come back either with an artificial lens in place.

As well as refractive problems and cataracts, there are other conditions that can be cured through surgery. Glaucoma is another common affliction that causes many people to become partially sighted. When the drainage canals in the eye become blocked they cause pressure to build. This pressure if not dealt with can cause blurriness and double vision, in some cases resulting in blindness.

Refractive eye surgery is a broad term covering a range of eye surgeries. From eye glaucoma to cataracts and everything in between, there is laser vision correction surgery available that can restore sight, or at least halt the deterioration.

Kathryn Dawson

Kathryn Dawson - About the Author:

Kathryn Dawson writes articles for Immaculate about where to get the best laser vision correction surgery in the UK. Laser surgery such as refractive eye surgery is a common surgical procedure for correcting nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism to decrease or eliminate dependency on glasses and contact lenses. Although eye glaucoma can usually be treated by eye drops, surgery may be required for those experiencing increased pressure in the eye.

Friday 11 May 2012

Blurred-Vision Eye Exercises That Are Natural

By Leina Crystal

Many people have been wearing glass or contacts for years without even considering that there may be another more natural option for them. And even though those with blurred or cloudy vision are wearing visual aids, they find that their condition does not improve. In fact, just the opposite is happening. Wearing glasses will make your eye condition worsen over time. If you are suffering from blurred vision eye exercises can help.

The most common cause of blurred vision is actually simply weak eye muscles. Other causes include aging, dry eyes, muscular degeneration, short sightedness or long sightedness. If you are diagnosed with dry eye, usually eye drops will prove an efficient solution, but most other conditions are usually treated with prescription glasses.

When you complain of blurred vision, an optometrist will usually follow routine and prescribe you some glasses or contacts to be worn at all times. Most people accept this as their destiny and move on with life, never giving it any other consideration. However, there is a way to improve your vision without glasses, contacts, or expensive surgeries. There are natural strengthening exercises that you can do that will tighten your eye muscles and improve your vision.

All of us have at some time committed to exercising our bodies and involved in exercises that build up our muscles and stamina. You know how it works. This is just the same thing, only this concerns strengthening the eye muscles.

The focusing abilities of our eyes are controlled by muscles, just as our bodily movements are controlled by muscles. During everyday life, we put a strain on our eye muscles, and sometimes this causes the muscles to become weak and distorted, which results in blurred, cloudy vision. Here are a few simple exercises one can use to re-build and strengthen the eye muscles:

Blink more often: It takes muscles to accomplish even this simple feat. Try blinking every three seconds and you will see how tired your eyes get!

Practice focusing on a close up object and then a distant object for a few minutes, alternating between the two: This is simple, but it will strengthen your eyesight.

Use a ball: Write some numbers and letters of different sizes on a soccer ball and hang it from the ceiling. Swing the ball, and while it is swinging, take note of each number or letter you see and say it out loud. This is a good exercise routine for the eyes. Even someone with not so bad vision should practice this to keep their eyes sharp and focused.

If you do these exercises regularly, you will begin to see a marked improvement in your eyesight. It is worth a try!

Learn how to get better eyesight with Natural Exercises [] and begin to have a clear eye vision.

Article Source:

Thursday 10 May 2012

Is Laser Eye Surgery Dangerous?

By Corrie Banji

When it comes to laser eye surgery, the key questions most people asks is cost and safety. The former is not much of a problem because usually people who are contemplating going for such an operation to correct their vision have the budget for it. Hence, this article will look at the latter - Is laser eye surgery dangerous?

In general, laser surgery is safe. Thousands upon thousands of people have their vision corrected with lasers, which means they are no longer slaves to spectacles or contact lenses. However, like everything else, things can sometimes go wrong too. This applies to eye surgery with lasers.

Based on a study, LASIK eye surgery is very safe, and the risk level is very low. But when complications do arise, the patients often blow their top because such a surgery is not cheap. That is why they get angry when their vision remained the same or got worst after the operation.

Some people look at this type of surgery as a kind of financial gamble. This is because if the first surgery failed to correct the poor vision, then a second surgery might be necessary. That means the cost will double. The money, unfortunately, has to come out from the patient's own pocket because insurance companies are often not keen in insuring this kind of surgery due to the health risks.

The other possible complication is eye infections. These mostly occur when the wrong amount of medicine is used. The problem can be minimized when antibiotics are used, but the bottom line is that one should always opt for an experienced surgeon to do the operation.

One of the side effects which keep some people away from laser eye surgery is dry eyes. When it happens, there would be swelling and irritation in the eyes. But the good news is that this side effect can be readily treated. It is quite a normal occurrence; hence, one should not stay on the sideline just because of the possibility of being inflicted with dry eyes.

In a nutshell, the answer to the question - Is laser eye surgery dangerous? - is no, they are generally safe. The risks, as mentioned earlier, are there but in the hands of an expert, the possibility of complications arising is very low. However, it is always good to know all the possible risks before deciding whether one should go for such an eye job. That way, one would not panic when something goes wrong.

Want to know more things about Laser Surgery for Eyes? Try going to, where you'll find good info, including a piece on How Lasik Eye Surgery Works.

Article Source:

Wednesday 9 May 2012

How to Improve Eyesight - How to Throw Your Glasses Away Forever

By David B. Clarke

It's unfortunate that people today are looking at more invasive measures to improve eyesight. Not only are they risky but also highly expensive with no guarantee that your vision will be restored permanently. If you are contemplating surgery or simply want to learn how to improve eyesight naturally then this article is for you.

Our eyes are like any muscle in the body but it's very easy to forget that when reaching for your glasses or contact lenses. If you are anything like me the first things I used to do is reach for my glasses before I was out of bed. Having them permanently glued to me lead me to contact lenses which only created more problems and health issues such as severe irritation, redness and lack of oxygen to my eyes.

When you understand that your eyes are like any other muscle in your body you can safely assume that you can not only strengthen them but restore your vision in the process.

Our daily lives wreak havoc on the health of our eyes and it's the number one cause for many of vision problems that have become prevalent in modern society. Due to the prolonged use on computers and long hours in front of the television our eyes are becoming increasingly lazy.

The first thing people do is run to the optometrist only to be told that they require corrective lenses. This is not the only choice. There is a good reason why they don't want you to know how to improve eyesight without shelling our a fortune in stylish glasses and contacts. They make a very healthy living selling you a "patch up" for your symptoms.

The prolonged use of corrective lenses simply makes your eyes lazier, the last thing you want when wanting to know how to improve eyesight permanently! This is why more often then not you will be told it's time for stronger lenses next time your in for your regular eye test. Glasses do not rebuild your vision, they simply allow you to get by.

One of the best ways to improve your eyesight is to begin to allow your eyes to relax. One popular technique that works wonders is Palming. Palming is where you warm up your hands and cover your eyes for several minutes every day. Do not allow any light to come throw your hands as your eyes are covered. If you are finding it difficult simply imagine a happy memory. Repeat this every day.

Another way to improve your eyesight is to take regular breaks, every hour or so off your computer, away from the television to allow your eyes to relax and readjust. Our eyes are not made to look at a fixed point for an extended period of time such as focusing on a computer monitor. Let your eyes zip around and look around you as they are naturally suppose to do. You can also begin to try and focus on things in the distance that your cant see without your glasses without straining forcing your eyes to become stronger and reduce laziness.

There are countless specialists that provide an alternative solution to learn how to improve eyesight naturally and throw away your glasses forever. One of the pioneers in this movement was Dr William H. Bates. In 1880, Dr Bates conducted a series of tests on thousands of patients using techniques to not only improve eyesight but in many cases restore 20/20 vision. This lead him to be shunned by his peers at the time by going against the status quo.

The Bates Method has been used in many classrooms world wide teaching students how to keep their vision in great shape by performing these techniques daily. Almost all common vision problems such as being short sighted or far sighted can be cured overtime using these techniques.

Unfortunately the health industry today is more concerned about profits instead of health. With billions being spent every year on vision correction options it's no wonder that your local optometrist would rather you never try these techniques on how to improve eyesight permanently without their help!

Discover how to improve eyesight naturally using the Bates Method today. Say goodbye to glasses and contact lenses and the temptation of risky and expensive eye surgery.

Learn how to improve eyesight naturally to achieve 20/20 vision by using a series of techniques that have helped millions of people improve their eyesight at

Your Guide to Glaucoma Surgery
by: Kathryn Dawson

Anyone who has suffered from glaucoma will know what a serious condition it is. It is caused by the build up of pressure in the eye from the fluid being unable to flow freely around. If glaucoma is caught early there are procedures and measures that can be taken to correct the problem. It is when the problem goes undetected or there is no treatment given that a person's eye sight can seriously start to be affected. Eventually glaucoma can lead to blindness. Like any health problem, catching it early leads to the greatest chance of success. Regular check ups with your eye doctor are extremely important, especially from the age of 50 which is when our eyes generally start to degenerate and age.

There are two different types of glaucoma, each one serious but with different possibilities for treatment. The more common variety is known as open angle glaucoma and it is caused when the drainage canals in the eye become blocked. When this happens the fluid can't flow properly and pressure starts to build up. In order to rectify the problem and prevent it from getting any worse, the drainage canals need unblocking. Sometimes a course of eye drops will be all that is needed to do this, especially if the condition is in the early stages. Often this will be the starting point for treatment. Only if this doesn't work will the eye doctor suggest alternative treatment such as laser eye surgery.

The other type of glaucoma is a bit less common but is very serious indeed. This is known as closed angle glaucoma and although the effects are the same, the build up of pressure in the eye, this is caused because there is not enough space between the iris and the cornea. There should be a gap found here through which the all important fluid in the eye can pass. When it is just too small the fluid will not be able to travel. In this scenario eye drops are not going to help. Laser eye surgery however can.

Although laser eye surgery may sound quite severe, in fact it is a quick and in most cases totally painless procedure that thousands of people have every day. Because anesthetic is given, the patient, although awake during the procedure, cannot feel a thing. After surgery the patient may feel a little "woozy" but once that has passed alongside the anesthetic, there is little recovery time needed. Patients can often find themselves back at work just a day or two after treatment. Your eye doctor will also give your some antibiotic eye drops to use to make sure the eye doesn't become infected and will ask that you return for a few check ups following the surgery.

Glaucoma surgery is both effective and simple. There is minimal disruption to life, unlike with other surgeries which can prevent normal life from continuing for weeks or even months. During the laser eye surgery for glaucoma, lasers are used to reshape the cornea and in the case of glaucoma, widen the gap between the cornea and the iris. This will allow the fluid to move freely once more. Although surgery can not always bring back any sight that has been lost through glaucoma, it can certainly prevent it from getting any worse. This is why ensuing a diagnosis is made as early as possible is so important.

Laser eye surgery has done a lot for eye health over the last few years. It is not just in effective glaucoma treatment but also works for cataracts treatment and can even be used in vision correction surgery. If a person is long or short sighted for example, laser eye surgery can correct this and ensure their eyesight is perfect. If you would like to know more about glaucoma treatment of laser eye surgery you should talk to your eye doctor.

About The Author

Kathryn Dawson writes articles for Immaculate about vision correction surgery in the UK for age related eye problems. Glaucoma surgery is only required for increased pressure in the eye, and modern cataracts treatment must be tailored according to the individual patient.
Article Source:

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Different Types of Laser Eye Surgery
 by: Kathryn Dawson

There are a variety of different types of laser eye surgery that can be used to help correct many conditions suffered by the eye. From minor conditions to serious illnesses, laser eye surgery can help restore sight or even save it. The advancements in technology over the years have been huge and it has meant that many people around the world have been able to enjoy the benefits of renewed sight. This article looks at some of the different types of laser surgery.

Lasik surgery is one such type of laser surgery. It is an abbreviation of "Laser in situ Keratomileusis" and it can be used to help correct a number of refractive problems that can cause people to live their life with glasses or contact lenses. Anyone that has long or shortsightedness can have their vision corrected with lasik surgery. A small cut into the cornea is made and laser is used to either flatten (in the case of those who are shortsighted) or make more curved (for those who are longsighted) the cornea. The procedure is painless because anesthetic drops are placed in the eye beforehand.

There are several types of lasik surgery too. When a similar procedure to the one described above is carried out but without first making an incision of the cornea, this is called advanced surface ablation. Another type of lasik surgery is blended vision. This is when the two eyes need treatment for two conditions, both long and shortsightedness that are affecting both eyes. There is also intralasik surgery available which does not use a laser to make the incision in the eye. Wavefront surgery is also a type of lasik surgery and this is tailor made to the individual. A 3D map of the eye is produced by a machine that can measure light as it travels through the eye. By comparing the patient's eye to one that is perfect, it is possible to determine exactly how the eye needs to be corrected to make their eye sight as perfect as possible.

Lasek surgery is another type of laser eye surgery. This is a bit like lasik surgery although it is often the option for less severe cases or more minor conditions. It is also used on patients who have very thin corneas. Lasek stands for laser assisted epithelial keramileusis and rather than creating a flap over the cornea, the surface of the cornea is loosened and folded back. Lasek is just as effective as lasik surgery, however recovery is slightly longer and the eyes may be more uncomfortable for a few days following surgery. Following lasik treatment, patients often return to work a day or two later, but with lasek surgery it may take a few days longer before normal life can return.

Undergoing a lens exchange is another type of surgery that is appropriate for some patients. Cataracts can be removed during a refractive lens exchange that uses ultrasound technology to break up and remove the cloudy lens of the eye. It is also possible for some people who are short or long sighted to have a refractive lens exchange. This can help eyesight a great deal and improve the ability to focus.

As well as refractive problems, laser eye surgery can help treat conditions such as glaucoma or wet and dry macular degeneration. These are all very serious and can lead to blindness if surgery is not undertaken. A form of lasik eye surgery can be carried out to correct the problems and therefore prevent eyesight from getting any worse. There are different types of laser eye surgery and so you should speak to your eye doctor to discuss what would be appropriate for you and your condition.

About The Author
Kathryn Dawson writes articles about Optegra, a specialist UK eye hospital operator, providing world class treatment for all types of eye diseases and conditions including laser eye surgery, lasik eye surgery as well as macular degeneration treatment.

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