Sunday 3 June 2012

Why So Many People Are Having Eye Problems and Getting Computer Vision Syndrome

By Joey Brown

"Doctor, my eyes are sore, red and crusty everyday! Can you help me find our what is causing this?" Doctor replies: How much time do you spend on a computer?"

This is a common, everyday complaint at many ophthalmologists and vision centers. The fact that so many people are spending less time outside in natural sunlight, especially in the winter months, is contributing to this growing problem of sore, computer eyes. It has been given the name "computer vision syndrome" and ophthalmologists are warning people to take precautions to avoid this eye syndrome that can lead to further eye ailments.

Computer monitors are designed with lighting that is very unnatural to the human eye. The black-on-white print is also hard on the eyes and when you stare at a computer for hours, it greatly strains the eyes. Our eyes are not meant to stare at unnatural light for hours, let alone on a daily basis. People who work on computers all day are finding this to be causing a threat to their jobs.

Our ancestors spent plenty of time outdoors, farming as well as outdoor, family activity. Healthy doses of natural sunlight helps our eyes to get enough of the full spectrum light that we need for optimum health. Harvard Health studies have stated that balanced amounts of sunlight keep our eyes in good shape as well as our whole being. The hypothalamus in the back of our brain is connected to the pineal gland which regulates the production of serotonin and melatonin. Lack of sunlight or full spectrum light, causes an increase in melatonin, which explains why so many people feel sluggish, tired and depressed more in the winter. Sitting at a PC monitor, along with lack of full spectrum light only increases the eye and health problems.

These are a list of common complaints from regular computer users:
  • Red, dry, itchy eyes
  • Crusty eyes upon waking and throughout the day
  • Decreasing color and perception clarity
  • Sneezing and watery eyes
  • Swollen eyes and face
  • Eyeglasses strength is not good enough
  • Headaches, dizziness and blurred vision
  • Fatigue

If you are suffering from any of these symptoms and may be wondering if you have, do see an eye doctor and let him know how much time you spend on a computer. You may need stronger glasses as this can cause permanent damage to your eyes if it continues unchecked. There are some things that you can do to protect and sooth your ailing, sore eyes.

Many companies are selling computer monitor shields to fit over your monitor screen, to protect your eyes from the harmful lights in it, as well as any electro-magnetic field coming from it. Special or stronger prescription eye glasses can also be prescribed by your ophthalmologist for computer use.

There are also a host of full spectrum computer lamps and light bulbs to buy and use in your computer area and your home, to give your eyes the much-needed proper light.

Do take care of those "peepers" as they are the only ones you will ever have and no job is worth risking your eyesight! There is help for your sore, tired eyes.

Want to learn more about keeping your eyes healthy? I suffered from this syndrome and would be glad to help, so follow the links to my other articles on this very important computer vision syndrome!

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