Thursday 12 July 2012

Puffy Eyes Remedies

Puffy eyes remedies

Article by Geoff.

Many people suffer from swollen or puffy eyes. Some days it can look like you have been crying all day or you have a severe hangover. This can cause a lot of stress and self esteem problems , which themselves can exaggerate the situation. This need not be the case as there are many remedies and with a little treatment and adjustment to diet the issue can be resolved.

Causes of puffy eyes can include allergic reactions to various make up , perfume and skincare products. Also high salt in the diet is a major factor as well as direct reaction to animal hair in the air. Poor sleep pattern can also be a major contributing factor.Puffy eyes are not a permanent condition so hopefully I can shed some light on a few things that work to reduce the problem.

What Are Puffy Eyes?

Puffy eyes are a condition where the eyes begin swelling due to different factors. The skin around the eyes is very thin and is full of blood vessels which make it very sensitive. Usually puffy eyes will go away after a little bit of time or some treatments done at home. However, puffy eyes are also symptoms of other eye conditions that may require examination by an eye care professional. In cases where puffy eyes are severe and persistent or are accompanied by pain, discomfort, blurry vision, or other conditions, an eye specialist should be contacted about the problem.

Causes of Puffy Eyes

Puffy eyes can be caused by many factors. These include fluid retention, stress, allergies, hormone changes, and other factors as well. When we cry, it is often accompanied by swollen eyes. This is due to the fact that are body reacts to emotions and causes more blood to flow through the eyes which leads to swelling. Also the production of too many emotional tears can strain the eyes. Also, we get puffy eyes after sleeping. This can be caused by different factors such as too much sodium in a diet causing water retention, tossing and turning and not getting enough sleep, excessive drinking of alcohol, and others as well.

For puffy eyes that are not caused by medical eye conditions, there are many ways to reduce the symptoms.

The following is a list of what to do for treating puffy eyes:

•Wash face with ice cold water

•Limit sodium intake ( salt )

•Drink plenty of water to clean out your system

•Place two slices of cool cucumber on the eyes for several minutes

•Moisten two tea bags in cold water, chill them in the refrigerator and place them over closed eyelids for several minutes

•For allergies and puffy eyes, find out the item causing the allergic reaction and minimize its use; doctors may also provide medication in the form of shots or prescription drugs

•Try a soothing eye cream with aloe and Vitamin E, which can be applied to the eyes.Try applying some hemorrhoid cream under the thin skin of the eye. This cream contains anti-inflammatory agents that can help alleviate puffy eyes.

•Gently tap your skin where puffy, as this can encourage fluid build up to release and drain more easily

•Avoid artificial sweeteners, as these can cause your body to retain more fluid.

•Always wear UV glasses during the day. Apply sunscreen at least 30 minutes before going outside, even on cloudy days. Excessive exposure to the sun or unexpected sunburns often contributes to puffy eyes and leave you feeling bloated the next dayDo Remember

•Enjoy a light self-massage, which can help relieve puffy eyes. Close your eyes and gently press your ring finger underneath one eye, moving in an arc shape from the inside corner to the outside corner. Massage 10 to 15 times. Then repeat on the other eye. This is a great massage to do before jumping out of bed.

•Use two pillows to keep your head elevated while sleeping. Fluid won't accumulate underneath the eyes.

•DON'T vigorously rub your eyeballs in the morning. Avoid touching them throughout the day.

•Watch what you wear. Do your eyes puff up midday? For women, beauty products may be the culprit. Many fingernail polishes, hair sprays, and makeup contain formaldehyde, which can cause eyes to swell. Luckily, the fashion industry is wising up and new formaldehyde-free beauty products are hitting the shelves. Use the process of elimination, avoiding each product for one to two weeks, to determine which is causing the blow-up.

•Give your eyes a break! For every hour you are on the computer, take a five- to ten-minute rest. Stare out the window, close your eyes and meditate, or stroll to the water cooler. While working on the computer, try to look away every few minutes.

•Keep your bedroom free from dust, pollen, and animal dander. Remove all dust-collecting objects, wash sheets once a week in very hot water, cover the mattress and pillows with dust-mite protective coverings, and bar pets from the bed. During pollen season, wash your hair before hitting the pillow, and use air conditioning instead of opening the window.

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