Tuesday 10 July 2012

What to Do For Tired Eyes - Avoiding Eye Strain

If you look at something for a long period of time you will end up with strain on eyes. It's an eye strain fatigue when your eyes get tired. Some examples are when you drive your car for a long time, when you stare at the computer monitor for hours, when you read or study especially something which is boring. Eye strain is very common, about 70 percent of those who perform extended visual task have this problem. Strain on vision is temporary discomfort as soon as you relax your eyes the symptoms will go away. You have to learn how to prevent eye strain or at least how to reduce it.

Strain in eyes has various symptoms depending on how long you use your eyes for visual tasks. The most common symptoms are tired eyes, dry eyes, headache and vision problems such as blurred vision and double vision, light sensitivity and difficulty focusing on images. You can even have back ache, neck ache and nausea.

Most people get strain in the eye due to extended use of a computer or video monitor or trying to see in dim light or expose their eyes to extreme brightness. Most people blink less than normal when doing extended visual tasks.

If you have to use your eyes for a long period of time and experience strain on vision you should take frequent brief brakes. Close your eyes for a couple of minutes, blink more frequently and look away from the computer monitor or book and focus on something else in different distances. There are other vision improvement exercises you can do too. You can massage your temples or around the eyes. If you can, get up and stretch your arms, neck and back.

Strain on the eyes is not something you can completely avoid in fact you are exposed to eye strain fatigue every single day. What you can do is to manage eye strain by learning how to relax your eyes.
Learn more about how the combination of Eye Exercises and Healthy Diet can restore and maintain Healthy Eyesight.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Max_Sleck

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